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Six Things Women Need to Know About Cysts on Ovaries

Most women wouldn't pay much attention to their ovaries, until they are planning to have a baby. And you would never realize that the time when you're menstruating, is a good chance that you'll develop a cyst on ovary. But don't worry, it is always without harm. Only in some situations, ovarian cysts may lead to pelvic pain and more serious problems. So below 6 things about this super-common cyst those women should know.
1. How to know if you have a cyst on your ovary?
In most cases, it is hard to know. Usually functional cysts won't show any symptoms, and in most situations, they would disappear by themselves. According to Minkin, although you may suffer from some bleeding if you have a corpus luteum cyst, follicle cysts won't do any other influences on your period cycle.
2. How to find out a cyst in the first place?
Ovarian cysts would appear at a routine gyno visit—gynecloginists may find the bigger ones through a pelvic exam or spot them after a luckily-timed ultrasound. However, other females will have symptoms caused by cysts. Symptoms are often pelvic or abdominal pain, and those pains are what women complain the most to their doctors.
3. What other symptoms of cyst on your ovary?
Ovarian cysts of course could show some serious symptoms, such as fever, nausea, and vomiting. If you have these symptoms, it means you have infection. So in this situation, the sooner you go to see your doctor the better.
But what worries doctors most is the ovary "twist" caused by cyst. This "twist" could not only lead to an infection, but could cut off the blood supply to the ovary, thus it would do eternal damage to ovary. This is a very serve problem, which is known as adnexal torsion. If this "twist" occurs, you would suffer from a sudden abdomen pain and sometimes accompanied with nausea.
4. How does a doctor test for cyst?
Usually, to make sure whether you have a cyst, you would do vaginal ultrasound. Doctors could tell whether you have it from the image of the cyst on the scan. Doctors could also confirm it from the symptoms that you have told them. Or take a watchful waiting approach, and simply monitor the cyst for several weeks. The last choice is it to open the ovaries of patients to confirm it.
5. Could cyst on ovary be eliminated without surgery?
Of course, in most cases, you don't need do surgery, unless you are at great risk for "twisting," said Minkin. If your cyst has lingered shorten than three menstrual cycles, and it's smaller than 4 inches, and it has been confirmed that it couldn't be a tumor. Then surgery is not needed. In this situation, herbal therapy "fuyan pill" is a more suitable choice. It could kill bacteria, clear heat, anti-inflammation, and promote the blood circulation. Thus this pill could clear up cyst naturally and effectively within about several months. What's more, this pill is helpful for the repairing of your reproductive organs.
If your cyst is too big or has lingered for a long time, then you have to do surgery, you'll undergo one of two procedures: a laparoscopy or a laparotomy.
6. Is there any way keep away from it?
Possible, there is. If you are not going to have a baby, taking birth control pills may be helpful.
Birth control pill might prevent a cyst from forming in the first place, said Minkin. Previously, experts recommended BC as an option remedy for ovarian cysts, but from research in 2014 study, this advice was based on less-than-stellar data and that a better strategy was on the way to be found.
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