Is Continued Menstrual Pain After Menstrual Period a Sign of Adenomyosis?
When it comes to adenomyosis, it seems that menstrual pain is closely associated with it. Menstrual pain is a common symptom among most adenomyosis patients. However, some patients surprisingly do not experience menstrual pain. They may only realize their condition after undergoing medical examinations and discovering that they have adenomyosis.
Why does adenomyosis cause menstrual pain?
Adenomyosis occurs when the endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus, grows abnormally and infiltrates into the muscular layer of the uterus. During each menstrual cycle, the ectopic endometrial tissue also sheds and bleeds, causing the blood vessels in the uterine muscle layer to dilate and the blood volume to increase. This leads to poor blood flow during menstruation, prolonged retention of menstrual blood within the uterus, and stimulation of uterine contractions.
The increased pressure inside the uterus ultimately results in menstrual pain. Menstrual pain associated with adenomyosis is often secondary and tends to worsen with an increase in the number of menstrual cycles.
Why is the location of pain different?
The uterus is located in the middle of a woman's lower abdomen, and most patients with menstrual pain experience pain in the middle, which is the normal position of the uterus. However, some patients may experience pain on the side, either on the left or right side. This is because the location of the lesions varies among patients, causing pain on the corresponding side. Some experience referred pain, which means there are no lesions in that specific location, but they still feel pain. In other cases, the ectopic endometrial tissue may grow in other locations, such as the ureter or bladder, leading to pain in different areas.
Why do some patients experience pain even outside of the menstrual period?
Although the pain experienced by patients with adenomyosis is commonly associated with the menstrual period, many patients also report experiencing pain before the onset of menstruation or after the end of their period. During menstruation, the lesions in adenomyosis become swollen, and the swelling takes time to subside completely. Even when the menstrual bleeding has stopped, the swelling of the lesions may not have disappeared entirely. Therefore, some patients may still experience pain after their period ends.
Apart from menstrual pain, what other symptoms are associated with adenomyosis?
Heavy menstrual bleeding:
Heavy menstrual bleeding is the second most common symptom among patients with adenomyosis, and most patients experience it. However, the severity can vary from mild to severe. Severe cases may require thick sanitary pads or even adult diapers.
Many patients experience heavy menstrual bleeding and prolonged periods, which can lead to anemia. Severe anemia can cause anemia-related heart disease, and patients may experience dizziness and inability to perform normal work or engage in physical activities. Additionally, surgery cannot be immediately performed on anemic patients; the anemia must be corrected before further treatment can be pursued.
Due to the severe uterine involvement in adenomyosis, the unfavorable uterine environment can also result in infertility. Some cases occur because the lesions are located close to the fallopian tubes, causing compression and blockage of the tubes. Adenomyosis can also trigger non-infectious inflammation or a history of inflammation, leading to adhesions and obstruction of the fallopian tubes, resulting in infertility.
Regardless of whether it is menstrual pain or other symptoms, patients with adenomyosis should take it seriously. However, the constitution and condition of each individual vary, and the manifestation of symptoms may differ. Some individuals may primarily experience menstrual pain, while others focus on heavy menstrual bleeding or infertility. Some individuals may not exhibit any symptoms at all. Nevertheless, regardless of the specific symptoms, if you are experiencing significant pain and cannot tolerate it, it is recommended to seek early treatment.
Patients can choose the herbal medicine Fuyan Pill to treat adenomyosis, especially young patients with fertility needs. Fuyan Pill treats the disease and cleans the uterine environment, increasing the chances of natural conception. If medication effectiveness is unsatisfactory, surgical treatment can be considered based on the individual's specific condition.
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