Attention, six risk factors would lead to Endometrial Hyperplasia
Endometrial hyperplasia is the abnormal thickening of the lining of the uterus due to an increase in the number of endometrial glands. This disorder most often affects young women who are just beginning to menstruate and older women approaching menopause. In most cases endometrial hyperplasia is not a serious health risk.
While there are many risk factors that increase the chances of developing endometrial hyperplasia, having one or more of these does not mean that you will develop the condition. But you should pay attention to below six risk factors that would lead to Endometrial Hyperplasia
Exogenous estrogen use (without cyclical progesterone).
Oestrogen-secreting ovarian tumor.
Tamoxifen use; it has an anti-estrogen effect on the breast, but a pro-estrogen effect on the uterus and bones.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal carcinoma.
Obesity combined with diabetes.
These six risk factors are the most common causes of Endometrial Hyperplasia; we should not ignore these risk factors. And much attention should be paid to changes that would be related with these six risk factors.
If unfortunately you have infected with endometrial hyperplasia. You would probably suffer from below symptoms of endometrial hyperplasia
Vaginal bleeding between menstrual periods or after menopause
Heavy menstrual bleeding
Periods that last longer than usual
Pain during sexual intercourse
Amenorrhea (absence of menstrual periods)
An ovulatory period (menstrual cycles without ovulation)
And among them abnormal uterine bleeding (heavier than usual bleeding between periods) is the most common symptom. If you have it, call your doctor right away and get checked out. If you have a menstrual cycle shorter than 21 days, check with your doctor. Count from the first day of your period to the first day of your next one. If you are post-menopausal, report any uterine bleeding to your healthcare provider.
Since Endometrial Hyperplasia could bring so many unbearable symptoms, so the immediate treatment should be given to it. For completely treating this condition, Fuyan Pill may be suggested. This is an herbal medicine which cures endometrial hyperplasia in three to four months. It treats endometrial hyperplasia symptoms as well as the lesion; improvement is generally seen after about one month treatment. For patients who don’t want to undergo surgery, herbal medicine is another option other than hormonal pills.
While there are many risk factors that increase the chances of developing endometrial hyperplasia, having one or more of these does not mean that you will develop the condition. But you should pay attention to below six risk factors that would lead to Endometrial Hyperplasia
Exogenous estrogen use (without cyclical progesterone).
Oestrogen-secreting ovarian tumor.
Tamoxifen use; it has an anti-estrogen effect on the breast, but a pro-estrogen effect on the uterus and bones.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal carcinoma.
Obesity combined with diabetes.
These six risk factors are the most common causes of Endometrial Hyperplasia; we should not ignore these risk factors. And much attention should be paid to changes that would be related with these six risk factors.
If unfortunately you have infected with endometrial hyperplasia. You would probably suffer from below symptoms of endometrial hyperplasia
Vaginal bleeding between menstrual periods or after menopause
Heavy menstrual bleeding
Periods that last longer than usual
Pain during sexual intercourse
Amenorrhea (absence of menstrual periods)
An ovulatory period (menstrual cycles without ovulation)
And among them abnormal uterine bleeding (heavier than usual bleeding between periods) is the most common symptom. If you have it, call your doctor right away and get checked out. If you have a menstrual cycle shorter than 21 days, check with your doctor. Count from the first day of your period to the first day of your next one. If you are post-menopausal, report any uterine bleeding to your healthcare provider.
Since Endometrial Hyperplasia could bring so many unbearable symptoms, so the immediate treatment should be given to it. For completely treating this condition, Fuyan Pill may be suggested. This is an herbal medicine which cures endometrial hyperplasia in three to four months. It treats endometrial hyperplasia symptoms as well as the lesion; improvement is generally seen after about one month treatment. For patients who don’t want to undergo surgery, herbal medicine is another option other than hormonal pills.
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