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Non-surgical treatments for hemorrhagic salpingitis patients

Hemorrhagic salpingitis is a less common seen gynecological disease in clinic. And the treatment of this disease in western medicine is mainly surgeries such as exploratory laparotomy and surgical hemostasis. However, surgeries are more likely to bring harm to patients. Therefore, many patients now are looking for non-surgical treatments. In this article, the author will briefly solve this problem for hemorrhagic salpingitis patients.
First non-surgical treatments of hemorrhagic salpingitis: Chinese food therapies
1. Mix 15 grams of notoginseng radix, 300 grams of chicken and moderate water. Then stew the mixing for one hour. It is edible when added some seasoning.
The notoginseng radix can shorten the clotting time to stop bleeding, remove blood stasis and diminish inflammation. And chicken is able to tonifying the human body. Therefore, to some degree, this dish can play a role in treating hemorrhagic salpingitis.
2. Simmer the leonurus cardiaca for one hour first. Then filter the slag and stew the pork with soup.
The leonurus cardiaca has the effects of invigorating the blood circulation and stimulating the menstrual flow, which can work on treating diseases like salpingitis and endometritis.
3. Braise the pork ribs with caulis spatholobi. Its effects of enriching and activating blood could inhibit the platelet aggregation, thus being anti-inflammatory. It is also a good food therapy for hemorrhagic salpingitis.
Second non-surgical treatments of hemorrhagic salpingitis: drug therapy
The drug therapies of hemorrhagic salpingitis include western medicines and traditional Chinese medicine. 
The western medicine mainly uses antibiotics to treat hemorrhagic salpingitis. But in recent years, people have attached increasing attention to its side effects. And even apart from the side effects, antibiotics just act as a temporary solution for the disease. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a better choice.
In treating this disease, TCM is mainly focused on promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis. And it always includes some other effects such as hemostasis and detoxification.
Some doctors will recommend the enema therapy as a conservative treatment. The commonly used drugs in enema conclude rhizoma sparganii, rhizoma zedoariae, peach kernel, herba patriniae, etc. The enema therapy always works well in treating hemorrhagic salpingitis. However, it is difficult for all the patients to receive catheter insertion for 15 to 20 cm depth from the anus.
In addition to the enema therapy, patients can also take a patent medicine, fuyan pill. Follows the principle in treating hemorrhagic salpingitis, fuyan pill can eliminate symptoms, and adjust the body environment at the same time. The curative effect is noticeable.
At last, there are several things need to be paid attention to. First, diet therapy does have some help, but the efficacy is limited. So it always acts as an adjuvant role. Besides, compared with enema therapy, fuyan pill is more convenient for taking, and the curative effect is more exactly. Considering these factors, fuyan pill is a more suitable choice.

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