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Leucorrhea Increased, Beware Of Tubal Blockage

Tubal blockage is a common gynecological disease. In daily life, frequent sexual life or other infections can lead to inflammation of the fallopian tubes, which is a common cause of tubal blockage.
Besides, inflammation of certain viscera inside pelvic cavity such as cervicitis, endometritis, appendicitis and other inflammations spreads to the fallopian tubes, leading to tubal adhesion, thus making the fallopian tubes blocked.

In the early stage of tubal blockage, women generally have no obvious symptoms. But over time, physical problems can develop, such as an increase in the leucorrhea, which may be a sign that the fallopian tubes are blocked. If your leucorrhea becomes more, and your gastrointestinal tract feels blocked and weak, you will become extremely tired after work, along with some mental problems, such as depression.
Likewise, there are some common symptoms that patients with tubal blockage have and you should notice if you don't want to miss out on the best treatment.
1. Abdominal discomfort
The lower abdomen of female patients will have different degrees of pain, most of which are recessive discomfort, including lumbar back and sacral soreness, distension and falling, which are often aggravated by fatigue. Due to pelvic adhesions, there may be pain in bladder or rectum, or other symptoms of bladder and rectum irritation, such as frequent urination, nausea, etc.
2. Irregular menstruation
The fallopian tube is adjacent to the ovary. Usually the disease of the fallopian tube has no effect on the function of the ovary, nor does it affect the amount of menstruation. When inflammation affects ovary and causes damage to ovary function, it will result in abnormality of menstruation.
Frequent menstruation and excessive menstrual volume are the most common symptoms, which may be the result of pelvic congestion and ovarian dysfunction. Chronic inflammation that leads to uterine fibrosis, uterine insufficiency or adhesion that causes abnormal uterine position can result in irregular menstruation.

3. Painful menstruation
Oviduct obstruction causes pelvic congestion, and leads to blood stasis dysmenorrhea. When the patient has menstruation, the pain is more unbearable, so that the patient suffers from both physical and mental pain.
If you are bothered by these problems, go get checked in time to figure out whether you have been the target of tubal blockage. If unluckily you are, you need to have a suitable treatment in time.
For the tubal blockage caused by pelvic inflammation, salpingitis and other inflammations, the herbal medicine Fuyan Pill can be your choice, which is able to eliminate inflammation, relieve pain, improve menstruation, enhance tissue repair ability, and has no side effects or adverse reactions. For other patients, they should follow the doctors’ advice and stick to the treatment.

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