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Three procedures to diagnose chronic pelvic inflammatory disease

Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a frequently-occurring disease in women, especially in those who have a history of sexually transmitted diseases and PID. Such a common disease chronic PID is that great attention should be paid to its diagnosis and treatment. And this article mainly introduces the diagnosis of this illness.
Firstly, your doctor will begin with a detailed history of your general health, sexual activity and your symptoms. The symptoms of PID can vary, but in general, it may include the following: 
Dull pain or tenderness in the stomach or lower abdominal area, or pain in the right upper abdomen.
Abnormal vaginal discharge that is yellow or green in color or that has an unusual odor.
Chills or high fever.
Nausea and vomiting.
Pain during sex.
Secondly, on the basis of symptoms, a pelvic exam is needed. A pelvic exam is performed to check the health of your reproductive organs, and look for evidence of gonorrhea and chlamydia infection. 
If the result of the exam shows enlarged uterus and tender pain in the cervix, the patient can be suspected of chronic PID. Furthermore, if there is unilateral or bilateral thickening or enlargement of attachment which presents funicular and enclosed mass which can be probed by hand, the patient can be diagnosed with chronic PID.
And during the pelvic exam, the doctor uses a cotton swab to take samples from the vagina and cervix. The samples are sent to a lab for analysis to determine the cause of the infection.
Thirdly, to confirm the diagnosis or to determine how widespread the infection is, your doctor may perform an Ultrasound. Ultrasound is a test that uses sound waves to take pictures of the pelvic area.
Once chronic PID is confirmed, patients should receive timely treatment. As the disease is chronic, it requires killing bacteria and eliminating inflammation for a long time. Therefore, antibiotic treatment is not suitable because antibiotics easily produce drug resistance. To treat this disease, patients might as well try a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). A TCM called fuyan pill can effectively cure this disease.
Fuyan pill has strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects; it can effectively kill various kinds of bacteria, virus, chlamydia, mycoplasma and some other pathogens. In addition, fuyan pill is made from pure herbs; it won't produce any drug resistance, nor will it bring any harm to the patients. Moreover, fuyan pill has the function of promoting blood circulation, so it can also eliminate the pain caused by chronic PID. So far, fuyan pill has successfully cured many chronic PID sufferers. 

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