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Should Antibiotics Be Used To Treat Chronic Prostatitis? Know Its Type First

Prostatitis is one of the most common diseases in adult men. Although it is not a directly life-threatening disease, it seriously impacts the quality of patient's daily life and work. Sometimes, it is a problem that the whole family should face together.
How to treat prostatitis, especially chronic prostatitis? Is antibiotics useful? Before the treatment, you should always know what type of prostatitis you have. According to the basic and clinical researches on prostatitis, there are mainly four types:

TypeⅠ : acute bacterial prostatitis. Antibiotics can be used.
Type Ⅱ : chronic bacterial prostatitis, which accounts for about 5% - 8% of patients with chronic prostatitis. It is accompanied by recurrent infections in the lower urinary tract, which can last for more than 3 months, and the bacterial culture results are usually positive.
Type Ⅲ : chronic non-bacterial prostatitis, which is also called chronic pelvic pain syndrome. It is one of the most common type of prostatitis, accounting for more than about 90% of patients with chronic prostatitis. It is mainly manifested as long-term and repeated pain or discomfort in the pelvic area, lasting for more than 3 months, accompanied by symptoms of urination and sexual dysfunction with varying degrees. This disease will seriously affect the quality of life in male patients, while the results of bacterial culture are negative.
According to the results of microscopic examination of the prostatic fluid or semen routine microscopy, this type of prostatitis can be further divided into type Ⅲ A, which is inflammatory, and type Ⅲ B, which is noninflammatory.
Type Ⅳ : asymptomatic prostatitis.
Chronic prostatitis refers to a chronic, bacterial or non-bacterial inflammatory disease of the prostate gland in men, usually including type Ⅱ, type Ⅲ A and type Ⅲ B. Besides, the clinical manifestations usually are urinary irritation symptoms, such as frequent and urgent urination, burning sensation and chronic pelvic pain. In some cases, long-term attacks will affect sexual and reproductive functions. What's more, repeated symptoms can make patients dizzy and weak, leading to insomnia and depression, which can seriously affect their daily life.
The etiology shows that chronic bacterial prostatitis is often caused by e. coli, staphylococcus and other microorganisms through retrograde urinary tract infection. And repeated urinary tract infection can be observed through urine test. While non-bacterial prostatitis, though showing negative in urine culture, may be in connection with a combination of infections, inflammations or immune abnormalities.
In conclusion, chronic prostatitis is a common male disease that requires a comprehensive diagnosis of the patient's medical history and physical examinations. Type Ⅱ and type Ⅲ A can be solved through anti-inflammatory treatment, such as herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, which is a pure Chinese medicine and can be used to improve many chronic symptoms related to the urinary system. While type Ⅲ B is non-pathogenic bacterial infection, which doesn't need antibiotics.
The therapeutic objectives of chronic prostatitis are to relieve pain, improve urination symptoms and improve the quality of life. Patients should abstain from alcohol and avoid spicy food. Avoiding holding back urine and sitting for a long time, while keeping warm, exercising more and having regular sexual life can help to improve the symptoms of prostatitis.

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